High School years are hard. Strong family, friends, and mentors help kids get through. But there's one person that sometimes fills all of these roles during the adventure of high school -- a coach. A high school coach can be the person who helps keep a kid in school, puts them in a position to excel with their talents, or points a student towards their purpose in life. This is why I love being able to nominate a local high school football coach for
U.S. Cellular's Most Valuable Coach award, which just launched today.
This award is a four month long selection and voting process culminating in the two winners earning a trip to Orlando, Florida for the Under Armour All America High School Football Game and full prize package. Both coaches will be recognized on the field and presented them with a $5,000 check for their school, courtesy of U.S. Cellular. Besides the prizes, this program highlights important people in communities all around the United States--coaches. U.S. Cellular wants to recognize these coaches who are helping shape the future members of our communities. The thing is that these coaches do not just make a difference on the field, much of what happens is developing leaders off the field.

Eight months ago I moved to the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma metro area. I can honestly say that I have never seen a community as passionate about their high school and college football as here. I moved from the San Francisco bay area and it was nothing like this. So when I was approached to nominate a coach in my area, I took it very seriously.
I started by talking to trusted people who are very involved in the local community. One name kept coming up. So I am nominating the head coach of the Edmond Santa Fe Wolves, Kyle White. Even though Coach White has only been the head coach of the Wolves for a little over a year, he has deep local roots in our area. From being an offensive coordinator for many years, volunteering with non-profits, and investing in young lives, he has made a huge impact in our community and his players.
Some great news is that you can nominate a high school football head coach in your own area! Just go to
www.TheMostValuableCoach.com from September 9-October 3 and tell U.S. Cellular how this coach has helped inspire you, your family, or your community. On October