Three Top Avengers Lunch Recipe Ideas!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Avengers Endgame

Well, we finally saw Avengers: Endgame this weekend and it was definitely worth the wait. Somehow we also escaped without hearing spoilers beforehand, which might have been a miracle in and of itself. Regardless, I had to make my kids an Avengers lunch since this might be the last movie with all of the original team in it.

Who are your kids' favorite Avengers? For awhile my oldest son's was Captain America, but he kind of goes back and forth. My daughter loves Black Widow. My youngest's is probably Thor but it also could be Black Panther. I hope my kids enjoy their Avengers lunch to finish off the school year. If your kids are fans, here are three Avengers recipe ideas that I put in my kids' lunch!

Ingredients: Red apple, cheddar cheese, white cheese, nori, orange crackers, raspberries, cheese round with red wax, blueberry, white star sprinkle, dark dried fruit, spinach tortilla.

Avengers Endgame

1. Cut apple in half. Place in main compartment of lunch box. Slice piece of cheddar cheese in shape of his mask. Use a little white cheese for the eyes and nori (roasted seaweed) for the mouth. Surround Iron Man with orange crackers.

2. Cut circles out of red wax on cheese round. Replace one so it appears as though there are red and white circles. Use a toothpick to attach a blueberry to the center and put a white star sprinkle on top to complete Captain America's shield. Place in side compartment and surround with raspberries.

Avengers Endgame

3. In second side compartment put dark colored dried fruit. Cut out a fist shape from a spinach tortilla as shown. Place on top for Hulk's fist.



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