Christmas Elf Bento Lunch

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


In our house, we are Christmas fans...after Thanksgiving. I am of the opinion that it should illegal to decorate for Christmas, or listen to Christmas songs, until the day after Thanksgiving. I would vote for someone who ran for office on this platform. It's just the right thing to do. With that being said, when it become the day after Thanksgiving, all bets are off. Hang lights like crazy and turn your house into Santa's house. This is why we waited until this week for our first Christmas lunch.

I have actually never made an elf lunch before, so it's about time. Maybe next time it will be an "Elf" themed movie lunch. I made this lunch in an Easy Lunch Boxes container and also used a Christmas themed cloth napkin. I also used Wilton's Shape N Amaze edible decorating dough for the eyes and mouth. Here is how to make the rest of the lunch!

Ingredients: Whole wheat bread slices, sliced turkey, half of a green apple, white sliced cheese, dried kiwi, grape tomatoes, strawberries, toothpicks, yogurt covered raisins, black and white edible decorating dough, red food coloring marker (optional).

1. Use a glass to cut a circle shape from a slice of bread. Repeat with second piece. Use bread scraps and cut two medium sized triangles and one small circle from scraps. Put sliced turkey between bread circles. Arrange triangles behind circle sandwich and place everything on top of napkin in main compartment. Put small circle in the middle of sandwich for nose. Place a small amount of cream cheese on to hold in place, if desired.

2. Cut half apple into Santa hat shape. Cut circle and strip from slice of cheese. Place where shown on Santa hat. Put hat towards the top of sandwich. Use edible decorating dough to make eyes and mouth. Place where shown. Use red food coloring marker to make red cheeks (optional).

3. Use green and red food to add color to side compartment. I used dried kiwis and grape tomatoes.

4. Place a few strawberries in second side compartment. Attach yogurt covered raisins to strawberry with toothpicks, to make a Santa hat. Place hat on top of other strawberries.


1 comment:

  1. This one is fun, I'll bet I could even replace the turkey with cheese for our vegetarian daughter. Thanks


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