5 Quick Tips to Clean Your Car for the Next Family Road Trip

Monday, June 4, 2018

This is a sponsored post in partnership with Swiffer. All opinions are my own.
5 Quick Tips to Clean Your Car for the Next Family Road Trip
As parents, we know that our car can quickly become a science experiment. Whether it's carpooling to and from school, the fun drive on a holiday weekend, or the week long summer road trip, our family cars can get disgusting. If you are like me, I don't even want to look at what the backseat looks like, much less clean it up.

This is where these cleaning tips come in. They don't take long to do and and your kids can even help out. As you can see from the video below, even my four-year-old loves using the Swiffer Duster! Speaking of which, you won't need many supplies or complicated steps to accomplish these. Just a few minutes and probably tools that you have laying around the house anyway. So watch our short video below and let me know what your favorite tips are!

Cleaning tools needed:
Swiffer Duster
Silicone Muffin Cups
Your Kids' Slime
Reusable Plastic Cereal Container

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5 Quick Tips to Clean Your Car for the Next Family Road Trip


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