
Mo Willems The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog Book Lunch Recipe Ideas!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

This is a sponsored post in partnership with Disney Book Group. All opinions are my own.
Mo Willems Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog Book Lunch Recipe Ideas!

It's funny, the older my kids get, the more I enjoy reading them books as frequently as possible. I don't know if it's because I see that our time for reading books geared towards younger readers is coming to an end in the next couple years, or the fact that I love reading the books as much as they love being read to.

Our typical family bedtime routine is to get pajamas on, brush teeth, and then my kids each get to choose a book for me to read to them. There are certain books that I absolutely love when they pick out. The Pigeon series of books by Mo Willems definitely falls into that category, and can you believe it-the Pigeon series is celebrating 16 years!

The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! is actually one of our favorite books of the moment, so to celebrate Pigeon's 16th BIRD-Day, I had to make a lunch inspired by the story. This book is entertaining for the family with a great lesson at the end.

Mo Willems Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog Book Lunch Recipe Ideas!

Because we are so into the Pigeon books, we cannot wait for the release of the newest book in the series: The Pigeon Has to Go to School. Since Mo Willems has done such a fantastic job with his previous books, we expect this newest Pigeon book will be more of the same when it is released on June 2, 2019! My kids can't wait to see what adventures The Pigeon will be involved in now. Until then, here are some fun lunch recipe ideas to go with The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! Here's to 16 years!

Easter Bunny School Lunch Recipe Idea!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Easter Bunny School Lunch Recipe Idea!

Who else is ready for Easter? Oh good, so you're not ready either? We have family coming, eggs to hide, and food to make. It's an exciting time in our house but we are far from ready for the big day. However, this school lunch recipe is a step in the right direction.  It's an Easter Bunny quesadilla!

I made this lunch in an Easy Lunch Boxes container and gave it to my kids a bit before Easter so then we could focus on making all of the rest of our Easter food! The recipe is below.

Spring Fruit and Vegetable Food Board

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Spring Fruit and Vegetable Food Board

We are becoming bigger and bigger fans of food boards! They are all over Instagram and we have had tons of fun making them for different seasons of the year. These aren't just for looks either, our family loves sharing these for meals. Since Spring is here, we of course had to make one with a carrot and rabbit theme.

The trick to making a great food board is to have a good variety of fruits, vegetables, crackers, cheese, and meats. This way you can please most people around the table. Food in fun shapes never hurts either! The shapes don't have to be intricate or complicated, just use the natural colors of the food to arrange something simple. Check out the ingredients below to see how I made it.

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