
How to Make a Joyful Christmas Tree Lunch

Monday, December 7, 2015

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in partnership with Smarty Pants Vitamins. I was compensated but all opinions are solely my own.
Smarty Pants Vitamins

Many times in marriage you need to compromise, even when it's difficult. There was a time a few years ago that I finally agreed to such a compromise. I didn't like it, but I knew it was time to give adjust my viewpoint. I agreed that we could buy an artificial Christmas tree. Ever since then I have missed our natural trees. My kids will not know the magic of going and picking out the tree, the excitement of setting it up, or the scent of needles in the morning. I have to admit, however, that the artificial tree is less labor intensive.

Since I am now a low maintenance holiday tree decorator, I decided to put together an easy to make Christmas tree lunch. I assembled this in a matter of minutes. Unlike my artificial tree this one has natural ingredients. I used Smarty Pants Gummy Vitamins for the ornaments which are all-natural and much more tasty than regular glass ball ornaments. My kids love them! 

See how to make this festive lunch using the directions below and remember to follow Lunchbox Dad and Smarty Pants Vitamins on all of our social media channels!
Smarty Pants Vitamins
Ingredients: Smarty Pants Gummy Vitamins, green spinach wrap tortilla, sliced cheese,
sliced meat, toothpicks, popcorn (already popped), celery sticks, low fat cream cheese, grape tomatoes, holiday themed crackers

1. Cut two Christmas trees from spinach wrap. I used a Christmas tree cookie cutter to make it simple and fast. Do the same with the cheese. Place meat and cheese on top of one green wrap. Top with second green tree wrap.

2. Spread popcorn in main container. Put Christmas tree sandwich on top. Choose different colored Smarty Pants Vitamins. Insert half a toothpick in vitamin and poke through the sandwich to hold in place. Repeat with all five vitamins. 

3. Spread cream cheese in celery sticks. Stack inside side container. Mix in grape tomatoes for a red, green, and white Christmas feel.

4. Drop holiday themed crackers in second side dish. Serve to your kids for an awesome holiday lunch experience at school!

smarty pants vitamins


  1. Hey Lunchbox Pals, I stumbled upon some fantastic dinner party images that brought a festive vibe to mind, perfectly aligning with the joy of creating Christmas tree lunches. Imagine incorporating some of these elements into your next festive lunch creation! The colors, the ambiance—they're sure to elevate your lunch game to a whole new level. Let's keep the holiday spirit alive and share our thoughts on how we can make our Christmas lunches even more joyful.


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