
5 Ways Being a Parent is Like Being a Character From Disney's FROZEN

Thursday, March 20, 2014

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5 ways being a parent is like being a character from FROZEN #FROZENFun #shop #cbias

If you are like many parents, when you get into the car and take your kids to school, their friend's house, church, or anywhere else, you hear one question. "Can we listen to FROZEN?" Disney's FROZEN has taken the world by storm. It's not just the soundtrack, but the whole movie. My kids are no exception to the situation above. They sing Let It Go and In Summer every chance they get and they were drooling for the DVD release. It came out on March 18, and we rushed to Walmart to get it. We also couldn't resist some of the incredible FROZEN toys and merchandise that is for sale there! The toys will be a hit when my kid's friends come over to play, because they have all seen the movie and love the characters.

Disney FROZEN DVD review #FROZENFun #shop #cbias

When we saw FROZEN in the theatre, it was a very memorable experience. From the story, to the songs, to the message, our family drank it all in. Some of the best parts of FROZEN were the characters' personalities and the relationships that were developed. It is now one of our favorite Disney movies of all time! To read all about our experience and get some fun recipes to for Sven Sandwiches and Olaf Banana Snacks, read my post about it HERE.

After seeing all the fun toys, books, and clothes that have helped the movie come alive for so many kids, I thought back on FROZEN and decided that in many ways being a parent is like the being a character from the movie. Below you will understand what I mean and also see some of the cool FROZEN toys, books, and more we were able to find at Walmart.

Being a parent is like being Elsa from FROZEN #FrozenFun #shop #cbias

Lets face it, being in charge can sometimes be a lonely task. Not only do you have to explain to your daughter why she can't give her hamster a bath in the toilet, but you have to follow through with the consequences. How many of us parents haven't had a day when we wanted to be like Elsa and run away to our own little kingdom for awhile? Sometimes that "kingdom" is even just a trip to the grocery store...with no kids. Does it feel like for the first time in forever that you haven't had to break up an argument, convince someone to eat, or clean up that mystery goop off the carpet? Sometimes that precious time away only lasts a few minutes, but it's worth it. Welcome to being Elsa and being a parent.

5 ways being a parent is like being a character from FROZEN #FROZENFun #shop #cbias
This Elsa Sparkle Doll at Walmart is a fun present for any child
Being a parent is like being Anna from FROZEN #FrozenFun #shop #cbias

The part of Anna that I liked the best is that she was committed to helping her sister and never gave up on her. Being a parent is hard. To be honest, sometimes it's a victory if you can just keep your kids from shaving the dog and turning their bunk beds into an indoor skydiving arena. However, no matter what our kids do, we never give up on them. We always hold out hope for them and we pursue them with all that is in us. We chase them and bring them back because, as parents, we will do anything to help them succeed. Anna did the same for her sister. It's pretty easy to see how being a parent is like being Anna.

5 ways being a parent is like being a character from FROZEN #FROZENFun #shop #cbias
We bought this Anna doll to give away to my daughter's friend for a present

Being a parent is like being Olaf from FROZEN #FrozenFun #shop #cbias

Olaf might be my favorite character in FROZEN. He is silly, upbeat, and brings just enough playfulness to situations to lighten the mood. Olaf reminds us that, as parents, we should laugh more with our kids. We need to get down on the carpet and have fun with them. We should wrestle with them, tickle them, play games with them and be goofy. Grownups can be way too serious and well...grownup. There is a time for that, but lets not forget that there is a time to be silly as well. In this way, being a parent is a lot like being Olaf.

5 ways being a parent is like being a character from FROZEN #FROZENFun #shop #cbias
This Olaf stuffed animal says some funny stuff and can even be pulled apart!

Being a parent is like being Kristoff from FROZEN #FrozenFun #shop #cbias

If there was an award for hardest worker in FROZEN, Kristoff would win hands down. Not only does he dig up ice for a living, but he outruns packs of wolves while taking care of his reindeer. This guy works his butt off and barely takes time to sleep. If you have ever had a baby, you know this is true for parents also. Not only do you have to accomplish most of the same things you did before you had the baby, but you have to do them twice as fast because everything needs to get done during the kid's nap time! No one works harder (and gets less sleep) than parents. The good news is that your baby will eventually sleep through the night and stop having diaper blowouts. The bad news is time passes quickly and your kids will grow to be teenagers before you know it. This age brings a whole new set of challenges! Kristoff worked hard, and being a parent is like being him, except much more work.

5 ways being a parent is like being a character from FROZEN #FROZENFun #shop #cbias
This "look and find book" features Kristoff and all of your favorite FROZEN characters
Being a parent is like being Sven from FROZEN #FrozenFun #shop #cbias

Sven the reindeer is Kristoff's right hand We first see Sven and Kristoff together when they are very young and find out that they have been inseparable ever since. Sven is always there when Kristoff needs him and saves him more than once. Although Sven doesn't always agree with Kristoff, he supports him no matter what. Sven sometimes needs to give him a nudge in the right direction, but when push comes to shove, Sven always has Kristoff's back. Yes, I know, Sven tries to eat Olaf's nose a few times, but no one is perfect, right? Being a parent means supporting our kids like Sven supported Kristoff.

5 ways being a parent is like being a character from FROZEN #FROZENFun #shop #cbias
This little Sven stuffed animal is perfect for a young child. My kids sleep with it all the time!
Give your family some warm hugs and have fun watching FROZEN for the first time or for the seventh time. It really is one of the those movies that your whole family should watch over and over again. So remember to hurry out to Walmart where you can get awesome FROZEN products. The DVD has even been dropped in price from $16.96 to $14.96! Also, on specially marked Eggo waffle boxes you will find a coupon worth $5 off the DVD. No more excuses, plan that family movie night with your kids tonight and see for yourself how being a parent is like being a character from FROZEN.
5 ways being a parent is like being a character from FROZEN #FROZENFun #shop #cbias
#FROZENFun #Collectivebias 


  1. I think being Olaf is my favorite part!! Great insight here into the parallels this amazing gift we have called parenting is with my favorite movie!

  2. I could totally go for a frozen ice palace all my own...and, one of those burly ice warriors to keep telemarketers to do the heavy cleaning. Big frozen fans over here...thanks for the heads up on the coupon. :)

  3. This is great. I can relate to most of the characters in the movie as described here. I think a stuffed Sven and Olaf might be in my son's near future. They look awesome.

  4. great post - I agree with ( almost) everything you said! But now that our kids are all teenagers and older, I just have to mention that it doesn't have to be bad news when they become teenagers - keep being the awesome, hands-on dad that you are and you will enjoy your kids when they become teenagers as well! And even though my kids are "too old" we all loved sitting down together and watching Frozen. It is a great movie!

  5. I love how you were able to use the characters of Frozen to show that we are like all of them when it comes to parenting. Makes me want to watch the movie again with your post in mind!

  6. Adorable! I love the comparison to the characters :D how fun

  7. Haven't seen it yet but it'll be fun when I do, seeing how your post fits in :)

  8. Yes, when you see it, let me know what you think about my observations.

  9. Thanks Keitha, I thought the message was great and I couldn't help thinking about these points as I was watching it.

  10. Thanks so much, it kind of gives a little different perspective

  11. Thanks Mamabelly, let me know what you think if you watch it again with these comparisons in mind!

  12. Love the direction you went with this! Being a parent is like watching Frozen with a toddler. You do and say the same things over and over and over and over again until they grow up! Or until the next Disney movie comes out...

  13. Great point Kristie! Not all teenagers are bad news, they are just very different and challenging in other ways. There are some great teens out there and I'm sure yours are some of them.

  14. Chris, my son LOVES that big Olaf you see in the picture. He has been taking it everywhere. His favorite part is pulling off the nose!

  15. Wouldn't a frozen ice palace be awesome? Great idea with some cleaning snowmen, I would do about anything for that!

  16. I love how you say parenting is an amazing gift Rebecca because it absolutely is!

  17. Ha! You totally made me laugh with this one, you are so right! How is Disney gonna top FROZEN anyway? I'm sure they are already working on something.

  18. Olaf!!! I never thought about him that Beau, but you are totally right! We need to lighten up as parents more often. Be goofy, laugh more and just have fun with our kids! Thanks for the much needed reminder :)

  19. Definitely! I try and do that regularly but it is so hard sometimes. It is absolutely important though. The time that I spend down on the carpet reading, playing games, or wrestling around is priceless and I never regret it!

  20. Thanks Beau, I always enjoy your blog and posts! Love you. xoxoxox

  21. Love your character assessment and comparison to the characters! Olaf cracks me up.

  22. Thanks Krystyn! Olaf is my favorite, although Sven is a close second.

  23. haha! So fun and way too true! Love all your character comparisions--amazing how much they are really like being parents! Yey for Frozen, we love it too!

  24. I had never thought about all the parallels to parenting, but you are totally right! Love this post!! #client

  25. Thanks Sara, Im glad you could relate!

  26. I definitely will :)

  27. I loved this! Especially the hamster part.

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